


〃And you dont?〃 I asked。

〃No; not really;〃 said rich dad。 〃If you want to learn to work for money; then stay in school。 That is a great place to learn to do that。 But if you want to learn how to have money work for you; then I will teach you that。 But only if you want to learn。〃

〃Wouldnt everyone want to learn that〃 I asked。

〃No;〃 said rich dad。 〃Simply because its easier to learn to work for money; especially if fear is your primary emotion when the subject of money is discussed。〃

〃I dont understand;〃 I said with a frown。

〃Dont worry about that for now。 Just know that its fear that keeps most people working at a job。 The fear of not paying their bills。 The fear of being fired。 The fear of not having enough money。 The fear of

starting over。 Thats the price of studying to learn a profession or trade; and then working for money。 Most people bee a slave to money。。。 and then get angry at their boss。〃

〃Learning to have money work for you is a pletely different course of study?〃 I asked。

〃Absolutely;〃 rich dad answered; 〃absolutely。〃

We sat in silence on that beautiful Hawaiian Saturday morning。 My friends would have just been starting their Little League baseball game。 But far some reason; I was now thankful I had decided to work for 10 cents an hour。 I sensed that I was about to learn something my friends would not learn in school。

〃Ready to learn?〃 asked rich dad。

〃Absolutely;〃 I said with a grin。

〃I have kept my promise。 Ive been teaching you from afar;〃 my rich dad said。 〃At 9 years old; youve gotten a taste of what it feels like to work for money。 Just multiply your last month by fifty years and you will have an idea of what most people spend their life doing。〃

〃I dont understand;〃 I said。

〃How did you feel waiting in line to see me? Once to get hired and once to ask for more money?〃

〃Terrible;〃 I said。

〃If you choose to work for money; that is what life is like for many people;〃 said rich dad。

〃And how did you feel when Mrs。 Martin dropped three dimes in your hand for three hours work?〃

〃I felt like it wasnt enough。 It seemed like nothing。 I was disappointed;〃 I said。

〃And that is how most employees feel when they look at their paychecks。 Especially after all the tax and other deductions are taken out。 At least you got 100 percent。〃

〃You mean most workers dont get paid everything?〃 I asked with amazement。

〃Heavens no!〃 said rich dad。 〃The government always takes its share first。〃

〃How do they do that。〃 I asked。

〃Taxes;〃 said rich dad。 〃Youre taxed when you earn。 Youre taxed when you spend。 Youre taxed when you save。 Youre taxed when you die。〃

〃Why do people let the government do that to them?〃

〃The rich dont;〃 said rich dad with a smile。 〃The poor and the middle class do。 Ill bet you that I earn more than your dad; yet he pays more in taxes。〃

〃How can that be?〃 I asked。 As a 9…year…old boy; that made no sense to me。 〃Why would someone let the government do that to them?〃

Rich dad sat there in silence。 I guess he wanted me to listen instead of jabber away at the mouth。

Finally; I calmed down。 I did not like what I had heard。 I knew my dad plained constantly about paying so much in taxes; but really did nothing about it。 Was that life pushing him around?

Rich dad rocked slowly and silently in his chair; just looking at me。

〃Ready to learn?〃 he asked。

I nodded my head slowly。

〃As I said; there is a lot to learn。 Learning how to have money work for you is a lifetime study。 Most people go to college for four years; and their education ends。 I already know that my study of money will continue over my lifetime; simply because the more I Find out; the more I find out I need to know。 Most people never study the subject。 They go to work; get their paycheck; balance their checkbooks; and thats it。 On top of that; they wonder why they have money problems。 Then; they think that more money will solve the problem。 Few realize that its their lack of financial education that is the problem。〃

〃So my dad has tax problems because he doesnt understand money?〃 I asked; confused。

〃Look;〃 said rich dad。 〃Taxes are just one small section on learning how to have money work for you。 Today; I just wanted to find out if you still have the passion to learn about money。 Most people dont。 They want to go to school; learn a profession; have fun at their work; and earn lots of money。 One day they wake up with big money problems; and then they cant stop working。 Thats the price of only knowing how to work for money instead of studying how to have money work for you。 So do you still have the passion to learn?〃 asked rich dad。

I nodded my head。

〃Good;〃 said rich dad。 〃Now get back to work。 This time; I






唐门外门弟子唐三,因偷学内门绝学为唐门所不容,跳崖明志时却发现没有死,反而以另外一个身份来到了另一个世界,一个属于武魂的世界,名叫斗罗大陆。这里没有魔法,没有斗气,没有武术,却有神奇的武魂。这里的每个人,在自己六岁的时候,都会在武魂殿中令武魂觉醒。武魂有动物,有植物,有器物,武魂可以辅助人们的日常生活。而其中一些特别出色的武魂却可以用来修炼并进行战斗,这个职业,是斗罗大陆上最为强大也是最荣耀的职业魂师  当唐门暗器来到斗罗大陆,当唐三武魂觉醒,他能否在这片武魂的世界再铸唐门的辉煌?他能否成为这个世界的主宰神...












赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮  一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...